Disaster to Delight: A few ways to transform your foyer closet

Good morning everyone!

This week I wanted to show you guys how I transformed my disastrous foyer closet into an organized, colorful closet.  As I mentioned in my last post, I rent so I have to find ways to improvise with my organization systems.

This is the closet before I did anything to it.

Foyer Before

It is a complete mess in my opinion.  There are a few bigger objects that are not in the right place at all.  The large box at the bottom holds hand-me-down China, there is a carpet cleaning machine, and a random basket that does not belong.

The China was relocated to the upstairs in a storage closet so there was less of a chance of everything getting broken.  After some rearranging, the carpet machine and plastic drawer tower were put in the utility closet (there will be another post about that closet soon)!

In my master closet, there were two sets of shelves that were not suiting my needs so I put them in here!  I turned them to lay horizontally, so it can hold the boots that I wear most often (I have a basket by the door with my flats and sneakers) and my winter hats, gloves, and scarves. You can also find crates from your craft store to create this look too! It is a great way to personalize and add color to your closet by staining for painting the crates.

Foyer Shoes

I used the same color bins in this closet as I did in the linen closet.  When I eventually move, I’m sure my closets and needs will change so I kept the bins consistent so I do not have to buy new ones!

In order to keep the games in order, I found the clear stack-able bins that hold 12″ x 12″ scrapbook paper at the craft store. I was able to fit two games in each box in some cases.  This eliminates the worn out cardboard boxes are that unevenly sized.

It is easier to see in the photo below that each box is labeled appropriately!  Wire shelving and I do not get along well, so I did what I have done in almost all of my other closets, wrap a foam board from The Dollar Store with Contact paper.  One day I will be able to have solid laminate shelving, but in the meantime this works well!


I decided to add some color and put coral pink colored hangers in here!  I love the way the coral and light blue look together!

Again, I used the same color bin that I have in the past.  It holds the smaller items like playing cards and small boxed games.  These are the kinds of games that look messy and fall off the shelf in the process of getting another box down when they do not have a proper home.

Foyer Close Up

Here is the final product!  I really love it!  Now, I am able to make use of all the space in this closet.

Foyer Full Length

Leave a comment and tell me what you use to store board games!

Linen Closet Revamped

Hello everyone!  Today, I wanted to show you how simple and classy organizing a linen closet could be!

I rent at the moment and the biggest struggle I have is trying to add color to my home without painting and organizing without the ability to put in a new system.  Here is one way I accomplished my goal of a colorful area while being able to utilize the space efficiently.

Below is a photo of my linen closet before I did anything to it.  As you can see, it is small with wire shelving and just a mess!

Linen Before

Before I started organizing anything I sat down with two bags.  One bag was designated for trash, the other was considered my donate bag.  I took out each item from the closet and asked myself a few questions:

1. How often is it used?
2. Will I need this in the near future?
3. Do I have a sentimental attachment to the item?
(I know it sounds silly for a linen closet, but some beach towels are from vacations that I would like to keep as a reminder)

Once I was finished I threw out the trash bag right away and placed my donate bag by the front door.  Products like hotel shampoos, soaps, and lotions can be donated to a women’s shelter, while older towels and sheets that are stretched out can be given to your local animal shelter.  If the the item is too far gone to reuse or donate in any way, take it to your local textile recycling center.

After that whole process was completed, I grouped similar things together.  The frequency of use was also evaluated.  For example, the extra set of sheets I use for the guest bed were put on the top shelf along with a few towels that are used for outdoor projects.

When everything was sorted to my satisfaction, I took inventory as to what products I can reuse or what I need to buy.

A trip to The Dollar Store and Target were a must!

As you can see in the picture below, I took a piece of foam board and wrapped it in colorful contact paper! It protects the board from any potential spills while solving that color struggle!

Linen Close Up

A Lazy Susan collected all the products I use on a regular basis while the blue bin holds the hair products I do not use as often.

In order to keep my wash cloths in order, I found the perfect size bin to hold them!  By doing this, everything appears to be uniform and neat.  I refolded the towels to have a smooth edge on the outside.

My extra sheet set that I use to rotate with the sheets on my bed were placed in a bin that I already had.  I am not the best at folding sheets (who is?) so containing them in the bin was a must! Now when I go to switch out the sheets all the matching pillow cases are together.

On the bottom shelf I put additional first aid products that will not fit in the medicine cabinet inside a photo storage box. The other box holds all my travel size products.  I love these because it is easy to contain those small and awkward shaped items, yet still have them completely accessible when I need something!

In order to keep towels to be washed neat and utilize all the closet space, I put back the “laundry basket” on the floor.

Linen Closet

Here is the final product!  The door now stays open because I like to look at it!  As you can see, I used matching colors as well as contrasting colored bins to give the closet a pop of color!

Linen Full Lenght

Stay tuned to see what I have in store next!